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החשמלטור עם יואב ברתל ואביגיל רובין

The Electrician

Screenplay: Yoav Bartel
Premiered: February 2020

Duration: 50 minutes

On the morning of Ricky Strass’s show "The Monster in Grandma's Closet," when the audience is already in the entrance hall, Ricky finds out that the power is cut and the stage lights aren’t working. She immediately calls Chaim the electrician to come take care of the problem. But Chaim — a hardworking, reliable and honest man, is unfortunately afraid of heights.

Will he be able to overcome his fear and climb up the ladder? Or perhaps the actress will be the one to leave her comfort zone and put on the show in the unfortunate circumstances?

"The Electrician" is a play within a play, inviting the young audience to help the protagonist overcome her fear through participative acting.

Cast: Itzik Lilach and Yoav Bartel
Director: Yoav Bartel
Choreography: Abigail Rubin
Live music: Elad Yishai
Lighting: Dania Zamir
Space and costume design: Maor Tzabar
Set: Gili Gudiano
Drawings: Yuval Kaspi
Flyer design: Shachar Netz
Photography: Tal Shami

Graphic Design: Micky Matalon

ארגון יוצרים עצמאיים
The Electrician
סבתא סורגת הצגה לילדים

Grandma knits

*In Hebrew it means the game "cat's cradles

On a cold morning, on a rainy day

One Grandma moves to a town

All by herself.

Just with a small bag and without any worries,

She has wool and some thread 

She can knit all she has to have.

A house, garden, and even some grandchildren 

That will play outside.

All is well, nice and cozy

But how will the town accept two children made of some thread?

A tale that is made of wool and some thread

About love and tolerance to all humankind 


A tale that is made of wool and some thread

About love and tolerance to all humankind

Screenplay by Hadas Gilboa

based on Ori Orlev's book

Directed by: Yoav Bartel 

Choreography: Abigail Rubin

Premiered: April 2022
Duration: 50 minutes


Actors: Esti Zakiem, Amir Goldman, Mika Nadal, and Yoav Bavli

Music: Dr. Igal Mirtenbum

Video: Ariel Cohen

Animation: Guy Hayot

Costume design: Maor Zabar

Set design: Gili Godieno

תוצרת בית
Granny Knitting
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